Saturday, January 10, 2009

ckparis and american apparel, dior et al.

hey readers. how are you? how is your weekend going? tell me...

after much debate between blackberry bold v. iphone, i got a blackberry bold.
will keep you all posted.
but hey, now i can respond to all your emails and text messages i usually ignore until i get to my laptop. whoo-hoo.

moi? sitting outdoors at lunch today at a local italian restaurant under I95. really.
i have on an american apparel triblend tank avec dior cannage sunglasses.
balmain black suede booties and black leggings are unseen.

make it a GREAT day. ok?
it is just as easy to be positive as it is to be negative.
help someone else out today.
you might be suprised what a smile can actually accomplish...

see you on the astral plane.


Unknown said...

oh, wish i would be now as warm place as you :) have a nice weekend!

Alexa said...

glad you got the bold! i had an iphone but couldn't deal w the touchscreen and got a curve and am now on the bold. enjoy!

Jen (MahaloFashion) said...

I just got the iphone and I love it, but i hear the blackberry bold it outselling them here in canada.

Anonymous said...

Looking fabulous as always (:

Anonymous said...

I'm getting the bold next weekend. A little nervous for the switch... I'm so used to using the curve. Anyway, you look great in your pictures! Hope you're enjoying your weekend!

WendyB said...

I chose Blackberry over iPhone because I'm traumatized by touchscreens ever since I had multiple bad experiences with Treos.

TINA said...

You make me long for warmer weather!
Please update on the bold - I'm still having an internal struggle over which one I should get...

Fashion Is Poison said...

i vote for the blackberry all the way. iphone is cool but lacks some features i really like about the blackberry

yiqin; said...

:) Ah I use an iphone. But I have been very attracted to the blackberry!

Vertiginoso said...

Just like a Haughty/Sexy biker, (delightfully) electrifying as Always !!!

à Bientôt, Antoine

Anonymous said...

another great post :)

Anonymous said...

You look great, as always.
You're lucky you got the bold- enjoy it! ^_^
Have a wonderful weekend, lovey.
love, dayna

Rumi Neely said...

CHAUSSIE your ghost story scared me half to death....!! Freaking weird.

Looking good as always.


Marina said...

OMG!I want to see blue sky and wear same clothes!!!!!I hate dirty winter!!
Chauss!I love you with bare shoulders. You look so sexy!

Youngest Indie said...

thank you for the lovely comment! :)

you've got great style! loves it!

Unknown said...

thanks :)
and gift isnt the main thing :)

Tamia said...

I've been having the blackberry v iphone debate w/ the boy for the past week! Keep us posted on your thoughts...