Monday, February 9, 2009

ckparis, givenchy nightingale, et al.

hey you all. how was your monday?
waaaaaay too much third dimension for me...
where is the dark chocolate?

basic black today. (big suprise)
hey, my theory of decreased cost per wearing each time you wear your stuff is in play for me today...
ie. today's dior moto boots and givenchy black distressed 'gale et al.

what is your personal fix when the stress monsters appear?
you know mine...
dark chocolate, coffee,(noir avec soy foam), shoes, boots, magazines, did i say dark chocolate?...

and color meditation. where did i leave off with you guys? are we up to orange?
the second chakra... hmmmm....

i need some zzzzzzzs. off to 4th.
come with if you know how to get there...
sweet dreams.


InnyVinny said...

I've found my new destresser: crochet.

It's wonderful. It's so wonderful.

And I'm still trying to find the right picture of you to sketch. I need to try and get the 'tude perfect. =)

Vertiginoso said...

Wooow Your new banner frankly give "us" (Eeeeeuuhhhhh actually "me") envy to swallow up in your mane , AND the breathtaking perspective of your sculptural "YSL Patent Tributed legs" (delightfully) sounds as a classical "CHAUSS-issime Vertigoooooooooooooo" !!!

à Bientôt, Antoine

Anonymous said...

Love the new header... so hot. Dark chocolate is a saviour to many.. mmmmm..


I love it. =]

Marina said...

I love your new banner and your photo in black with gale!I love your bag!I think about buying the same!
P.S.I really want to see palms and sun in the sky!But now I can see only rain-snow and dirt...Sometimes I hate Moscow...

Anonymous said...

I've been a reading your blog for a long time, but never commented. Well, now I am haha. I just wanted to tell you that you have amazing style, and I love your commentary as well. I'm always so entertained when I drop by here!

madeline said...

You are so fabulous and chic! And those Balmain booties? I die. xxoxo

Mel said...

loving it. your blog is amazing x

Anonymous said...

such a gorgeous outift
i love your blog!
would you like to exchange links?

May Kasahara said...

loving the new header soooo much ♥

A Stylized Hysteria said...

New header=stunning!

I read fashion blogs to destress, or put myself in a carb coma with pizza. Then there's the cure-all: magaritas!

Unknown said...

stress monster: sedatives, mocha, or other coffee, i get probally migraine so medicine, with the sedatives try to come down, i have panic attack risk, read a book, read lovely glossy mags.. okay do i sound loony enough

i like u kney header

Anonymous said...

hey ck-nice leg shot. the other pic looks like a fourth dem moment. we take for granted our great weather.

L in progress said...

my de stresser at work:
a strong espresso and something sweet like a pain au chocoloat.. always helps!
great new banner!!!


hope your V-day is great! =]
