Wednesday, March 18, 2009

ckparis, givenchy 'gale and the restart button

hey all, how is you week going?

moi? hanging out on the avenue of brickell... i have on my rick owens black distressed leather moto jacket avec my black 'gale and favorite marc jacob booties.

feeling crappy? depressed?
i was talking to a. on the phone and he sounded kinda down. i asked him what was wrong and he said he binged on some homemade warm-from-the-oven chocolate chip cookies last night and had a sugar hangover that was a major energy drain.
i suggested he buy some pickles bc the sour/salty sensation would give him a fresh start.
a. thought that was a great way to hit the reset button...
you can do the same with ANTYHING.
if you don't like the way you feel, hit the reset button and try again.
you just may like it...

see you on the astral plane.


STARR said...

You look amazing in your leather! I think I'd like to hit the fast forward button on this week.

InnyVinny said...

Great advice - I'll keep it in mind next time I'm in need of a 'tude adjustment.

Having a lovely week. Hope you are too!

Anonymous said...

hello there!! i just want to know about the sizing for your 8.80 f21 tank top! ;) please let me know cause i wanna snaggg it too!

chauss said...

starr, lol...thanks.

alicia, so glad to hear the nyc trip is going great. :)

anon, ture to size. i have on a small.

chauss said...

h, bon soir! as for the leather, you can take the girl out of nyc, but not nyc out of the girl. it's a year round thing for me... lol. but i am an alien.

Cruz said...

Bonjour! Le blouson de Rick Owens est tres beau. Je veux! ;-) Lol, my French 1 skills at work.

JINX said...

YOUR blog is so sexy


Liz Lizo said...

Love the look...the restart button is even better than staples easy button. yay!

TINA said...

I love love love your jacket! You look fantastic in it. Your positivity really helps - I'm in dire need of a attitude adjustment right now.


Clem said...

Hey lovely C.! In France it's social movements so my teacher isn't here and I can go on computer as free as the wind !! :D So I came to your blog :)))

I miss you and guess what ? i posted new pix on my blog :)


grace said...

have fun in my lovely city!!! nyc's the best.

and hell yes, wear your leather year round. its a never ending love

Anonymous said...

oooh, great advice. looking fab as always.

Anonymous said...

Love the jacket, you always look fierce. I agree with the reset button, feeling down, drink up some vitamin water and recharge.

What is Reality Anyway? said...

oh c! you are fabulous xx

Anonymous said...

after a week of finals im definitely hitting the reset button!!

May Kasahara said...

Love you in leather.
I hit my reset button on Wednesday and on Thursday my new camera was delivered!!

WIN. Now I must treat myself to an espresso-truffle from sbucks.


Your shoes!!! <3
Fine, and yourself?


Anonymous said...

thank you for the 'reset' advice last week. the timing was perfect