hey all, how are you? tell me...
moi, dressed in combat gear, krelwear style...
i have on a krelwear protoype unisex black knit hoodie with super long sleeves and huge hood. smoooooshy soft.
i coupled it with basic black cat suit i cropped myself and my favorite marc jacob booties.
ok, i'm dressed la femme nikita style and am ready for combat.
pour quoi?
well, it's revolution time in iceland.
it's supposed to be official iceland fashion week, but i just got the 411 from an inside source that it's actually the designers' coup d'etat !
apparently due to some unscrupulous behavior, the 17 featured designers have revolted and will be appearing at the Nasa night club in Reykjavik
instead of the alleged scheduled event in the middle of nowhere.
(hey, what do you expect when your head liner show is scheduled on a full moon?)
stay tuned for details.
actually, a night club venue would work well to premier krelwear's new s/s 2010 DiscGlo line.
see you on the astral plane.
xxoo chauss
Ooh, keep us posted on the haps in Iceland!
oooh iceland!
love your combat gear haha ;)
Perfect outfit for a Revolution!
The hoodie is rad :D
You look so good in black! And aw @ true blood ):
Iceland...never met anyone who's been there
oh, actually I have, I know someone who lived there
love the cycling shorts
Ur femm Nikita style is AWESOME!
One Love,
nice cycling shorts.very alexander wang
Ooooh drama in Iceland! Hope it all works out!
i like the hoodie with the low cut tee.
Iceland?! It's beautiful there!!
xoxo Marsey
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