hey all. how is your week going?
moi? i am such the ultimate lounge lizard.
yeah, the same chick who runs 138 flights of high rise stairs at a time...
hey, you would be lounge lizard like too after that. lol.
or maybe it is just the euphoric high from the 99 percent dark chocolate bar i discovered at fresh market.
the wrapper actually says you should "work up" to 99 percent by starting with 70 percent and then progressing to 86 percent.
not for the faint of heart.
bittersweet escape to the fourth.
anyway, hanging out with smoooshy faux fur leopard and my alexander wang coco.
ahhh. just another day in paradise.
see you on the astral plane.
p.s. you got several hours to but ckparis stuff on ebay. click here
99% dark chocolate!!?? that sounds INCREDIBLE!
your outfit is soo awesome :)
love your jacket, I found one not nearly as cute as yours :)
Fab fur for a fab person ;)
Here cold continues...
GORGEOUS as always darling
love the look
keep up the blog, love it
visit my blog @
Wooow so "Chauss' naked Back sensuously unveiled trough a "Swinging London-esque BODYsuit = Mesmerizing effect highly/delightfully guaranteed" !!!
à Bientôt, Antoine
Ah very sexy! x
99% !!!
insanely awesome
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