hey all, how are you doing?
moi? posing here with my james bond girl t shirt at michael's genuine.
i am not big into graphic t shirts, but this one has the man with the golden gun images which i kinda like.
you also see me peering into the new miami design district christian louboutin store.
yes paulie, that means sales tax now.
no stock yet...
be afraid, be very afraid.
you can make out the neon red L and christian sign if you stare at the pix.
stay tuned...
see you on the astral plane.
reading comprehension test:
i bought an amazing gucci black shearling/fox? jacket today at the vintage store.
it is 85 degrees.
(i am such a scorpio.)
Only someone really comfy on the 4th could pull off fur in 85 degree weather.
I <3 you. =D
cool shirt, love it!
lekisskiss.blogspot.com <-- two 20 somethings blogging fashion from NYC and Chicago!
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