hey all, how is your week going? tell me...
moi? hanging out in my burberry prorsum biker booties,
rick owens black blistered lamb jacket, japanese designer kyoko higa
brown to gold ombre curly lamb collar, vintage fedora and wolford
avec the requisite chauss 'tude.
the top pix is me observing a baby zombie lizard.
the 'nana lizard situation could be an episode from the twilight zone.
see you on the astral plane.
This week has been bittersweet. I need to clear my head, do some color therapy and maybe go hiking. Nature always seems to center me like nothing else.
Hope you're doing well, chauss. =D
Yeah,yo are!
Amazing boots!
funny that you mention seattle, because i'm dyyying to go there. it looks so gloriously grey! right up my alley...
oh and your burberry boots are one of the loves of my life. so beautiful!
You look amazing! I love that 1st pic, sooo cute!
love the look
super chic, great shades
thanks for sharing as always
i really love your blog, keep it up!
So glamorous! Lol poor lizards ):
Your look is very luxurious. Goes like apples to a pie on you, my chic dear!
Stunning, darling!
Love that jacket!
My C. I draw your portrait, it's on my blog.
the boots..the jacket.. i'm completely jealous!
Love the hat and the picture with it. Want to see more hat, please, and more iguanas too of course!
Hey lady!
I completely forgot you lived in Miami.. I'll be here until the end of the month. Been here since Dec. 31st, and been having a blast so far.
I'm around Sunny Isles/Aventura, so yeah the northern east side ;)
Hope everything's going great!
those boots, make me so sad i didnt get them :(
you look like a superstar xx
you look beautiful, i like all you jackets. the lizard situation here is due to the cooler temps. they need the sun and warm weather.
hey chauss! How are you?? Feels like I havent talked to you in forever lady! btw, GORGEOUS booties! louboutin = divine heaven!
god this is a great look.
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