Thursday, October 13, 2011

ckparis and monday mornings with albert and if you have ever lost a friend

below is an open letter to albert, a long time reader of this blog, and if you want to read a fashion post, stop here. 
but if you ever lost a friend, maybe this will help....

dear albert,
i miss you like crazy, but i told you that while you were still on the third.

i respect your decision to leave this dimension, but i am still going to miss our weekly monday morning chats about true blood, dark chocolate, the astral plane, spirit guides, hair treatments, hot shoes and our respective lovers and friends.

i remember you once told me you "googled" me with kristin, your spirtual teacher.
kristin told you that i was here to support you in your endeavors and you were here to support me in mine in this lifetime: the true definition of real friendship.

and you were my friend and will always be my friend.
in our final conversation last week before you left this earth,  i said to you, "i guess i will hear from you on the other side" and you enthusiastically said, "you know it."

when you are ready to chat again, i will be here bc i still have a lot of stuff to do on this dimension.

thank you for trusting me to share your confidences and for your friendship.
xo ck

1 comment:

O D Y S S E Y said...

that's lovely, chauss. i'm sorry you lost a dear friend. albert is surely smiling from the other side.