Monday, May 26, 2008

hot dogs, handbags, ckparis and gucci

ok, check out this pix. the gucci SA is in the back laughing at the size of this bag i am carrying. hey, i told her it was hip hop music weekend on the beach, and i got alot of 360 degree stares and appreciative comments walking around with it. totally fun.
uh, what's in it? hmmmmmm. well, that's another topic...
i just felt so tom hanks-esque like he was in the movie, BIG, with the huge shopping bag...
make it a great day! tell me what's up.


Vertiginoso said...

Ooooohh BUT Simply a Huge Bag for an Oversized "Anatomic BOMBshell" Dear Chauss !!! Show-Off Preciosity . . .

A Bientôt, Antoine

Anonymous said...

you can't leave me wondering. . . what on earth is in that Gucci bag!?!?!

Anonymous said...

LOL c!!! The bag is huge!! What did you get??


Chauss, if you're going to go out, you might as well go out BIG. I'm pretty sure you had a nice strut to go along with the bag!

Casey said...

oh my gosh i want to know whats inside that bag! you should try and fit in it!

chauss said...

hey y'all, hang in there...
casey, i DO fit inside the bag. i amy post a pix of that...:)

LittleSclicesOfHeaven said...

Haha love it! So what's in it?? :)

Marina said...

It is so fun!!!!!!I like you with this huge bag!!!Abs crazy size!

Anonymous said...

Hahahha oh my god. I would LOVE to walk around with a bag that size, just for all the stares I'd get!