hey there, what are you all doing?
i am somewhere between the third and fourth today.
yeah. c'est la vie.
i need a MAJOR caffeine hook up.
i am thinking starbucks iced coffee with an extra shot of espresso and a splash of soy milk.
what do you drink to get a jump start?
pix is moi avec my krelwear black knit quickie couture mini skirt, krel black hand knit shredded sweater and krel custom black headband. i also have on my favorite marc jacob black leather booties.
make it a FABULOUS tuesday.
see you on the astral plane.
krelwear is totally made for you.
I love it.
That skirt is so great for you, chauss. It fits in perfectly with everything you have. =D
ahh, i need those boots. its a hard life being so fabulous!
Great outfit, I always drink iced tea when I need a lil caffeine boost hah :)
completely obsessed with coffee as well
outfit is great!
Hey gorgeous! You look lovely as usual! Adoring those booties!
Headband looks great on you, amazing Chauss ! :)
Though we're wednesday I made it a fabulous day :)
I actually only drink coffee during finals and after hardcore nights of partying when I have work the next morning (or same morning). I don't know what gets me going in the morning...
I love your outfit sooo much!I miss you!I spent wonderful holidays in Greece that's why I missed some your posts. Awesome look!
Wow that knit top is divine! Looking fabulous, babe!
How do you look so damn hot all the time?!
like the boots ;)
i love those boots!
nice pic of you. i agree krelwear is for you. cool interview. like her stuff for men too.
i've always liked body fitting/distressed.
I clicked on the picture and that knit sweater is hot... Looking great as always.
love the boots with the top
so cute!
check out my blog @
YEEOW lookin' good! That pic just booted me to another dimension. ;)
-une mandarine
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