hello everyone, how was your weekend? tell me...
i spent yesterday doing 138 flights of high rise stairs to most of mj's thriller album.
and then spent the rest of the day mesmerized by vh1's mj music videos.
damn that man could dance.
if you haven't yet, put on michael jackson's music and prance around.
instant 'tude adjuster.
promise. :)
( p.s. and if that doesn't do it for you, true blood is on tonight!!!)
moi today? decked out in a pair of distressed denim shorts avec super future shades
and an american apparel black polka dot bra.
i wore it with a white t shirt on top.
i like to wear contrasting color bras under white t shirts, and today i just needed
something a little bit fun, a little bit flirty,
a little bit p.y.t...
i am so on the fourth today so come on over...
and wear your favorite dancing shoes.
see you on the astral plane.
I need to go pick up that bra! Ah MJ <3
dangerous curves up ahead...very nice.
just finished watching T.B.,erick is my favorite.
very curious about 'HUNG', going to watch!
I was lost in VH1 classic for hours yesterday watching videos. Mesmerising. I was in a totally different place...I may have to go back there tonight.
Oh, and I took your last post's advice to heart, implemented, and a situation at work completely turned around. Just so you know, you are a huge help to people (namely, me). =D
<3 you!
And yes, I'm all over contrasting bras; I have one on now. *hee*
Great outfit! PYT is my jam. ;-)
not impressed w/Hung.
love the bra!! u look fantastic!!
innyvinny, amazing news. :)
i am so glad to ofer chauss-isms in this ca-raazy world.
albert, that is bc HUNG has no vampires! lol
Woooooow Chère Chauss, You're Truly Outstanding !!!!!! When we talk about a "Sculptural Dizzyness of SEXYness" (You really know how to make blow a Scorching wind across the Ocean). . .
à Bientôt, Antoine
Chauss you're so hot ! ;) Hope everythign's goin well on banana republic and astral plane, in Paris it's too hot --'
great shades!
I need to start walking up some stairs -- your figure is killer!
I did a similar diy with a bikini top and some studs I removed from a belt
then I went in the sun and the studs got so heated
Obviously, I did not think it through
Your waist is TINY!
I swear I'll get my ass up some stairs this weekend.
CK 138, stairs 0... looking very fit. And you are perhaps the only person those glasses look good on (and they look great on you.)
-une mandarine
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