hey all, what's new with you? tell me...
if you never experienced the summer tropical humidity of the 'nana, well.... consider yourself lucky. it's like being in a steam room.
moi? wearing my favorite black leather marc jacob booties avec a krelwear strapless black knit distressed top with a krel black knit mini skirt.
i think i need to change locations in the third in the not too distant future...
and you all know by now, it's just as easy to be positive as it is to be negative.
so change your outlook, NOW.
red light, green light, change...
ok, do something out of your personal comfort zone tomorrow and
see where it gets you...
you might be suprised.
see you on the astral plane.
I needed this, chauss. You're always right on time with the words I am lined up to hear.
Love how the universe works.
<3 you.
I really love reading your posts. Always so positive and uplifting. You should consider writing a book. : )
I really love the boots!
Definitely agree. And damn, I love those boots! xx
Hi Chauss,
How are you doing? I really love the boots. Hope you having a wonderful weekend.
i've gotten into trouble getting out of my comfort zone. good trouble.
i love the shoes!
gorgeous lady
always gorgeous.
Two weeks until the next True Blood. I can't wait!
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