hello all. what are your weekend plans? tell me...
moi? i am wearing a raquel allegra gray shredded t shirt, keiselstein-cord 'gator belt and my natalia brilli nolex.
yes, a nolex. really.
the french art of gainage consists of wrapping objects in leather.
what more can a girl want?
does any one really care what time it is on the third dimension anyway?
the reactions to this leather bracelet are really funny.
either people think i am totally out there (as in on the fifth dimension to those who have no desire to leave the third) or tres chic.
utter delight is expressed by those who love the eclectic.
d. thinks it has a sinister s and m element.
natalia brilli, i think this is the start of a beautiful friendship.
xo chauss
see you on the asral plane.