chicago pix in front of my favorite starbucks. yeah, starbucks is on every block, and this is one of about 6 within a 3 minute walk to barneys, but not all baristas talk burberry and balmain like the ones here. moi? marc jacobs black lace up platform boots, james perse smooshy t and prada sac a dos. (you all know my penchant for smooshy ts by now)
moi? checking out the maxfield clothes minded black van avec my balenciaga turq '05 weekender. this was the best balenciaga color ever produced , along with magenta '05, and the chevre leather. ahhhhh...
hey all, how are you doing? do you know where i am? well, it's the exact opposite of the entrance to blake. and if you don't know blake, well.... that's for another chauss post.
anyway, i am at the new ikram store in chicago. if you click on my pix, they get bigger and you can see the naked mannequins in the window. nope, they are getting dressed, that is the finished display. note the mannequins on the side wearing nothing except alexander mcqueen scarves around their necks.