back in 1513, ponce de leon was busy searching for the fountain of youth in st. augustine, florida.
since then, people have been researching how to reverse aging without having to drink a magic elixir.
ok, now enter the willing suspension of disbelief...
there is lots of literature and media about how
vampires do not age and how they "survive" on blood.
what if you could use your own blood to correct damage caused to the skin by aging and/or acne?
what if you could inject your own platelet rich plasma into your skin and have it create new collagen?
welcome to 2010, you can do just that.
selphyl. the real true blood cure.
fillers of various artificial substances have been around for years to treat wrinkles, scarring and the general effects caused by aging skin.
the concept of injecting the body with one's own blood platelets has been done for years to promote healing in the case of injuries.
what if there was a way you could "trick" your own body into creating new collagen
as a way to eliminate the effects of aging on the skin?
there is...
selphyl is a natural alternative to fillers like juvederm, restylane, perlane, radiesse, hydrelle or the latest synthentic filler du jour.
i love reading the european fashion magazines in english and french because europe gets stuff so much quicker than the U.S.
when i first read about selphyl, i immediately asked dr. gallo if there was any truth to your own blood platelets being used in place of synthetic fillers.
i quickly found out that dr. gallo was one of the very few doctors in the U.S. who was doing the procedure.
dr. julio gallo, md, facs, is the medical director of the
miami institute located in the four seasons building on brickell avenue in miami. is one of the very first doctors in the U.S. to administer selphyl.
The following is my interview with Dr. Julio Gallo, MD FACS about
CKPARIS: Dr. Gallo, what is Selphyl?
JG MD/FACS: Selphyl is a process by which we can harvest and concentrate platelets from your own blood. The platelet rich plasma is then injected into areas of concern in the face. Selphyl is more of a tissue regenerator rather than a filler such as the hyaluronic acids.
CKPARIS: Who is the best candidate for Selphyl?
JG MD/FACS: The best candidate for Selphyl is the 30-60 year old person with wrinkles, folds, volume deficits, perhaps scars and traumatic injuries.
CKPARIS: Is there any down time?
JG MD/FACS: The needle used to inject the Selphyl (platelet rich plasma or "PRP") is very small, but it is still a needle so if it goes through a little vein there can be a bruise. Otherwise, there is no preparation or post procedure care- maybe a little ice/cold compresses the evening of the procedure.
CKPARIS: So, would an out of town patient be able to come see you for a Selphyl treatment during a visit to Miami and still be able to enjoy south florida afterwards?
JG MD/FACS: As long as there is no bruising. If there is bruising, then the patient has to stay out of the sun until it resolves.
CKPARIS: How long lasting are the results?
JG MD/FACS: Still early in the use of PRP for aesthetic reasons, but probably about a year or more.
CKPARIS: Thank you, Dr. Gallo. I will be following up with you in the future. If this stuff really works... wow.
If any of you are serious about Selphyl, call Dr. Gallo and tell him CKPARIS sent you.
Below is the YouTube link to Dr. Gallo's CBS Selphyl presentation.
see you on the astral plane.