hey all, what's going on?
moi? hanging out with the krelwear gang, daria, herman and karelle's zebra.
herman is the official krelwear chien.
zebra is the official krelwear zebre.
and you all can get your own custom krelwear quickie couture if you are going to be in nyc for fashion week.
krel's custom hoodies are amaaaazing.
here's the link
to the infamous hoodie that went all the way to iceland fashion week and is now MIA in karelle's closet.
karelle is going to find it one of these days and i will get to wear it again.
hopefully soon.
here's the 411 on krelwear quickie couture at nyc fashion week:
Time: September 9 at 12:00pm - September 10 at 7:00pm
Location: Kaight Boutique
83 Orchard Street
New York, NY
see you on the astral plane.