hey all. how are you doing?
this post is gonna be a bit mushy, so be advised in advance...
just wanted to shout out to all my cyber friends who read my blog regularly. your friendship is really special to me.
some of you i have only met thru the comments here, others thru personal emails and PMs, others i have gotten to know on the phone and i have actually met a couple of you in person.
to those who have confided in me, thank you for your trust and friendship. you know who you are...
scorpios tend to be very clandestine so if you don't know a lot about me, the more you hang out, the more you will discover..
i love that this place is interactive and i want you all to feel comfortable to leave comments now and then. i love getting to know all of you. i hope i can meet some more of you in person in the future.
in this crazy world, it is nice to have a cyber place to just hang out, even if its only for a few moments...
and feel a positive vibe.
the collective consciousness is a powerful thing.
always strive to raise your resonance.
moi? hanging out in my balmain black suede fringe booties half way to the fourth dimension.
see you on the astral plane.