i went to visit Gavilane in the marais last month in paris.
Gavilane is a wickedly wonderful place to check out on your next sojourn to paris.
the proprietor, aden, was in the shop and helped me pick out a fabulous
tete de mort necklace/belt/whatever from his recent collection.
if you are fascinated by the gothic, mysterious, dark,
this is the place to shop.
the music playing in Gavilane went perfectly with the jewelry, designs and clothing.
d. noticed a CD cover with a guy that looked like a dead ringer for the guy in the store who was helping me.
aden confirmed that it was his pix on the CD cover and he was the one singing.
the following is my Q & A interview with aden.
Q: bon jour aden, how long has gavilane been in the marais?
A: 12 years
Q: what was your inspiration for creating Gavilane?
A: We love creation, and we have been making custom jewellery for 22 years.
Q: what is your favorite medium to work with?
A: we don't follow trends and we keep classic inspiration through vanity and
decadent accessories.
Q: when is your studio CD coming out?
A: i hope in febuary, we will mention on gavilane.com and aden music.fr .
Q: what is your most cherished possession?
A: my cherished possession is to possess nothing.
Q: what is your favorite color?
A: black
Q: when is your birthday?
A: december 7
Q: i think you can pass for a scorpio imo.
Q: tell me something most people do not know about you:
A: you know, I spend my time to work since a very long time
and actually I dream music, sometime I believe cause all my life
is writing and I live in my world (monde) dans l'inconscience.
the only difference is today I know I can die and my personal life is more
and more complicated.
I hope to have enough time.
Q: i understand living dans l'inconscience. i spend a lot of time on the
astral plane, the fourth dimension.
does that make sense to you?
A: inconscience: to be strong and for protection of life
avec l'inconsciene on avance sans se poser de questions.
Q: d'accord. c'est tout...
see you on the astral plane
click link below:
watch and listen adenmusicgavilane