hey readers, my cyber friend izzydore asked me what are the third and fourth dimensions i chat about in my blog.
my dear izzydore and any of my other new faithful readers, commenters and lurkers, the third dimension is the world of this earth. it is 3 dimensional and the place where you can find most humans in all aspects of life.
now, when you raise your resonance, and you still live in the third with everyone else, you can experience another dimension in addition to those which you are already familiar with...
welcome to the astral plane, the fourth dimension.
one does not need money or food on the fourth. you create your own reality.
time is like a large loop. the fourth dimension represents time before birth, and also after death, and everything in between. it is populated by angels, spirits, immortal beings and those humans who can transcend the third dimension by astral projection, meditation and dreams.
you need to be careful what you think on the fourth because those thoughts can take form. if you think of a negative person, they may appear.
so, think positive thoughts to create a fun and fabulous reality while you are visitng the fourth dimension.
if you want it cold, let it snow and bundle up in your favorite leather boots, and rick owens or balenciaga winter coat. enjoy a cup of steaming vin chaud (my personal favorite) and some bittersweet chocolate.
and it could still be 85 degrees, and hot and humid in your current third dimension reality.
anyway, if you guys want to chat more about this, leave me a comment.
my blog is a fashion blog for the body.. and for the soul.
i am a reiki master, but also have several traditional higher education degrees which makes the everyday person at least intrigued by what i have to say.
i am happy to help you all play on the fourth. once you have been there, you will understand.
take your time, everyone has their own unique comfort level.
but it is really amazing when you step out of it and try to get to the next level.
ok, enough for now. let me know your thoughts...
moi? chauss in the looking glass. i am already on my way to the fourth with my magic ysl yellow soled platform tribute toos.
matt, astal plane happy hour tomorrow at 700 pm. i will bring tequila. really good stuff.
anyone else interested?
see you on the astral plane.