hey guys, how are you all doing? ok, the energy is finally shifting, we will feel it by the middle of next week. so, hang in there and do what you can to get through the crap. my favorite personal energy band aid fix is shopping...
this is my custom made guns and roses belt. (for obvious reasons) i have a file with homeland security because of this belt. stop here if you dont care...otherwise....
i wore this belt to MIA international and took it off when i went through security. i asked security if it was ok, response was , "sure, no problem."
flash forward five days later... LAX airport, took off my belt, put it in security bin... LAX security calls the LA police, i get detained for??? a belt that looks like a gun. btw, it has a flat back... anyway, i just want my belt back, i dont want it confiscated which is what they were sorta planning...
i manage to convince them to let me go back through security to check it . i give it to a woman who knows me at the first class desk, and get this, instead of taking my money and fedexing to me, she offers to walk it on the plane for me... she does. (such an angel) i have my belt. see pix.
and about 4 weeks later, i get a letter from homeland security telling me they are not pressing charges. things that make you go hmmmmm.
hey, the last time i wore my k-cord alligator belt to the airport, the security guard asked me "for the alligator's phone number". like i said, things that make you go hmmmmm.
and i will tell you about my DEA dog encounter another time involving another accessory.