Tuesday, February 3, 2009

ckparis, balmain booties, rick owens et al.

hey all, how was your weekend?

ok, and to answer a frequently asked question:
stairs. yeah.
real high rise stairs in a real stairwell.
no fancy gym equipment means no cheating.
i like to walk/run a 46 story high rise 3x-5x per session.
this sunday i did 184 flights. woo hoo.
i used to run 5-7 miles at a time (not my thing anymore)
and stairmasters make me feel like a laboratory rat on a wheel.

hence, chauss stairs.
it is really a great way to completely zone out and do some creative thinking
and meditating...
hey guys, it really works for us Type A people.
mind over matter.

you can accomplish whatever you really want to do.
do not let negative energy stop you.
it is just as easy to be positive as it is to be negative.
so red light, green light...
change your 'tude.

and if today really didn't go well, try again tomorrow.
persistence can actually lead to great things. :)

and wear whatever color makes YOU happy. your aura will manifest this and
positive energy will flow your way.
i kinda always feel good in black.
yeah, most always.

moi today? black vintage fedora, black distressed leather rick owens jacket, black suede balmain booties and note the vintage black crochet back pack on the floor that i found in my closet. (still the best place to shop!)
a major plus to having a disorganized closet. hey, i can rationalize anything. i had some great education...
and i kinda really like the black crochet. i think i am going to stick some vintage rhinestone pins on it.

see you on the astral plane.


InnyVinny said...

Truth as always, chauss.

I'm amazed at the amount of stairs you do!

chauss said...

hey, i usually do things out of the box...lol
and i like to eat chcolate and wear body con clothes. :)

Izzy said...

thats a lot of stairs, no wonder you're so fit! love the vintage fedora.

Anonymous said...

Wise, Authentic, & Stylish!! You are [a] *light*

Anonymous said...

You are one discipline lady! I agree with wear what makes you feel good part very much!

TINA said...

Totally, love the black. You look lovely in it!
Your blog is as inspiring as always.


Anonymous said...

LOVING this outfit. and with respect to the stairs.......you go, girl!

Vertiginoso said...

I am frankly mesmerized by the way your "total Black style" sublimates the sensuality of your sculptural bare arms, as a "Chauss-issime" carnal unveiling !!!

à Bientôt, Antoine

Anonymous said...

lol, thanks for the explanations, but one more question... do you do the stairs in heels?

Love the outfit

Michael said...

Wow. So lovely. The pictures and the post.

elysia mann said...

i love the picture of you on the wood floor, it's so pretty with the plain and natural and open background!

Anonymous said...

such an amazing look. all black , so sexy. i love it!x

A Stylized Hysteria said...

The stairs thing? Quite impressive! Love today's outfit.

Anonymous said...

Impeccable! I LOOOOOOOVE this look and you are without compare!! hello, Balmain? Here's your new model!

Anonymous said...

what's your education background, chauss?

Jaime Jun said...

oh goodness, this look is total love and perfection!

Anonymous said...

LOL there are binoculars on your windowsill, Ms Chauss have you been spyig on neighbors and beachgoers?

Theresa said...

I do that too - stairs work the BAAAD parts (bum, thighs..) 184 is pretty hard going though!
Love the jacket

Matthew L. Romo said...

love the winter in miami look, ck!! I definitely wouldn't mind living there when im done with p school. ok, speaking of which, giant margaritas on the 4th, STAT

May Kasahara said...

i'm loving you in hats ♥

I really want to try some stairs one day - it's so logical and economical.

Anonymous said...

hey ck-love this 'triple black look'. when i read your blog, i'm reminded of things i need to do. today it's stairs and meditaion. not to be confused with medication. even just 5 min at first a.


I don't live in Miami full time. I'm with my Grandmother a lot. So, that's why I'm busy. As for work. I just need some $$ to pay bills. The economy is crap right now. =[

Mark said...

love this outfit and your post, especially about wearing whatever color makes you feel good.

-une mandarine

M said...

i really like your style and your room is a dream..that is how i would love my room to look like


STARR said...

I loove your fedora and jacket! Always so positive <3

paulistanangelina said...

Oh, my God, how could I have forgotten to put you in my blog roll(I thought you weren't updating it frequently)? I just love your blog... And your shoe collection. Thanks for the comment in my blog, by the way, and keep on the good work. You look great today, as always.

Mimi said...

Wow the boots...

Anonymous said...

chauss, what do you do? :) job-wise, i mean?

Veronica said...

that hat is SO BALLER it's ridiculous. love the all black with it.