hey, readers. what's going on? how's your week?
moi? i am sitting in one of the local starbucks i like to frequent. these red fuzzy chairs make it feel like i am in some vampire after hours bar.
too much True Blood on the brain, peut-etre. lol.
anyway, i really feel like i crossed dimensions in these pix.
somewhere like chauss down the rabbit hole...
i have on the blue crushed and shredded vintage velvet jacket i told you all about avec noir.
notice the cool modern silver snaps and the frayed velvet edges.
it sorta fits in with the red fuzzy chairs in some warped and wonderful way.
krystal, what song should be playing in the background?
hey, i've got a new starbucks drink in the am now.
double shot of espresso with a dollop of soy milk foam in a short cup.
no sugar or fake sugar substitute crap. hard core.
immediate adrenaline rush.
attitude adjustment in a paper cup. yeah.
btw, matt, the sterling silver skull bracelet looks perfect on you. see if my new starbucks drink can give you an energy rush.
and to all my readers who are having a tough time, change your outlook. now.
chaussism rule 12: {ihaveadog, i will leave out the(b)(6) part}
it is just as easy to be positive, as it is to be negative.
so, no anger or depression today. if you keep telling youself, everything is gonna work out,
maybe it just will. what's the downside?
so, make it a great day.
see you on the astral plane.