hey readers, how are you? i am in a giddy mood today. SMILE! and if that doesn't work, grab some caffeine and try again. i am flying on a late double espresso topped with soy foam and NO sugar or artifical crappy sweeteners.
pure, unadulterated caffeine JOLT!
man, i love a rush...
i am lucky that i can get off on a $2.00 bar of dark chocolate as well as $$$$$ boots...
which brings us to balenciaga boots!
something about these bal boots make me want to walk around and smile. soooo much fun. soooo much 'tude. yeah.
more bal boot pix to come. have a FANTASTIC day. and remember to do something out of your personal comfort zone today.
you may be really suprised what you get back. :)
positive energy given out by you to others will come back tenfold.
just remember, the universe operates on its own time clock. not a 24/7 third dimension time clock.
be patient.
see you on the astral plane.
WOW!!1 You ROCK those boots, Chauss. Gorgeous!
You look beyond fabulous as always! Love your Bal boots, too- Balenciaga is such a great all around fashion house! <3 You totally rock them! :)
ok i don't think my comment went through...if it did, ignore me.
with that said...
HOLY MOTHER OF GOD!!!! and sorry but i HAVE to say SHIIIIT! you got them you got them you got them!!!!! they are freakin' perfect to the point of no return. no...no return! i JUST did a post on them, too. Oh c...why must you be a size 41...i'd share all my shoes with you just so that i can dip my feet into these beautiful boots! (ew, that sounds kinda gross but you get the point). wowwowowowowo. i am soooo mesmerized right now. seriously.
those boots r fantastic u look amazing in them! i did a new post 4 u on my blog so check it out and I hope u like it =)
JUST PERFECTION!!! I'm so glad you snapped these up as you pretty much look the best of any person in them! They are just fabulous! You need to send a picture to Vamp Bill!!
your totally right lets be patient...those boots have some style¡¡¡¡¡¡ kisses
omg chauss ! i just ordered these babies yesterday! great shoppers think alike :)
You really make my day with your prose, chauss.
I love you in those boots.
balenciaga website! they had them on browns too but i think they're sold out.
you definitely have the right idea, get out of your comfortable spot etc. and of course, the boots, ahh!!
You're my idol.
Chauss!I really think that you only one person who look in this boots. I like it especially on your legs. Last weekend I was at TSUM(our Barney's) and saw women who tried this boots.Not good picture. But you...You rock it!Amazing Chauss!
those boots are hot! you look great
so hot!!..love the outfit!!
oh your post rings so true today.
having quite the rough day right now - one of those curl up fetal-style days.
maybe I'll take your cue on and treat myself to a caffeine dose - and then come back and droool over your BBoots. ♥
Those Bal boots are HEAVEN on yoiu Chauss!
Glad you're riding the astral plane today...me too, see you there?
Man, no wonder why you're so happy, i would be with a pair of killer boots on my feet. I don't know what i'm more jealous of the fact you've seen True Blood, that you're wearing an RO jacket (that i want!!!!), or the BOOTS? You look gorgeous in your pics.
Whats in that Louis Vuitton bag in the first pic?
those boots!!
xo/ fashion chalet
Amazing boots! I like the jacket too.
THE BOOTS. I die. I have a feeling they've already worked their way seamlessly into your wardrobe ;)
your boots=heaven!
OMG Chauss! I saw those boots in the Banneys Catalog like 3 weeks ago and I was in love with them! They look fabulous, your a lucky girl! :)
beautiful boots :) and you look stunning in them
very interesting, thanks
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