Wednesday, October 15, 2008

ckparis, louboutin cactus booties and paige premium

hey you all, how's the week going?

moi? louboutin cactus booties and paige premium black jeans. yeah. do you know there are actually three colors of studs on these booties?

the divinitus gave me this beautiful blog award (thank you divinitus!) and told me i can pass it on to seven more. so, the rose goes to:

modern guilt
rantings of a fashion addict
fashion is poison
fashion pariah
fashion chalet and

and the rest of my dear readers all get recognition too bc you all rock!
thanks for being part of my chauss je ne sais quoi.

see you on the astral plane.


Fashion Is Poison said...


yay the cactus booties!!

Anonymous said...

Those boots are love. 3 colors of studs? Amazing.

natalia said...

boots! LOVE them.

Ashleigh said...

You and your sexxxxay shoes Rock better give me a holler if you ever end up in the toronto region :P

Laurel said...

Lover C in those amazing Loub's. Hot!

Thank you for the rose, bb. You're incredible.

Anonymous said...

Oh...and I totally took you up on the "frivolous credit card purchase" deal from yesterday.

Yes, it's (yet) another pair of shoes. =D

Anonymous said...

loveeeee those boots.
you have some of the most amazing items of clothing!

Unknown said...

i found flat yesterday yayy! and tomorrow london, wishing only this freaking headache goes away..

Annie Spandex said...

Those booties are so hot!

Marina said...

This is great pair. You look hot in it!


he he no prob ;)

sarah said...

im so jealous of your boots, like seriously!

Izzy said...

those booties are iconically you. and thanks for the rose, c! you're the sweetest!

moded'amour said...

gorgeous shoes! i'm so jealous!

love your blog, wanna trade links?

S (formerly of Modern-Guilt) said...

Thank you for the rose gorgeous Chauss! You made my morning, white and gold light to you :)
P.S. You look spectacular.


*ze rose! ze rose!*

Thank you, miss Chauss :)

You know I love your blog too (and all of your shoes!) ♥

xo/ fashion chalet

♥ Marta ♥ said...

The boots are to die for... amazing :)

moded'amour said...

thank you! i've linked you as je ne sais quoi, or do you wanna be linked as ckparis ? just let me know please :)

moded'amour said...

i've changed it! just mode damour please!

Couture Carrie said...

Those boots are increeeeeeeedible!!


Chantelle said...

your shoes give orgasms

Anastacia said...

Thank you so much CK!!! Those boots are well, fabulous. Yes, i'm sleeping in the Chloe's, i love them that much. They even make me a little bit taller.

What is Reality Anyway? said...

I love the three color in the studding on the Louboutins. They are the best boots, ever.



cactus louboutins
sooooo nexxxt levz
lucky lady

super great shot too

Chloe's Chic Conception said...

obsessed with the booties!!! Jealous!!!

Love you blog btw!


Mariana said...

if i were to give you an award, you'd probably get MOST FIERCE! you probably get this a lot, but you remind me so much of carine xx

diamondsinchampagne said...

Louboutin rocks my world. Those boots are a statement if ever I saw one. Wear them with love, sooo jealous!