hey readers. how was your weekend?
after a very third dimensional week, i was kinda energy drained. when shopping dosen't motivate me to do stairs, you know i am in need of zzzzzzzzzzzzs.
i did buy a really interesting vintage LBD. it is body con and has a low black mesh back. yes, pix soon.
moi today? basic black stuff (big suprise), alexander wang black distressed leather vest and my magic tina chow crystal on a black suede cord. it can take me to any dimension i want to experience...
sweet dreams you all. tomorrow is gonna be a FANTASTIC day for you. put it out there and let the universe provide.
see you on the astral plane.
xxoo chauss a/k/a astrogirl
Tina Chow was fab.
Will do, chauss. Thanks for the infinitely useful advice. No one gets me in "have a good week" mode like you.
I may even try an espresso shot just for the energy surge. ;)
hey i found a pic for you
You are so right.
despite the rain and gloom in nyc - today is 100x better than yesterday.
can't wait to see the new dress ♥
wendy, i agree!
instantvintage, go for it!
fashion, i saw that pix that day after i wore mine for first time!
may, good 'tude. :)
LOVE your alexander wang vest, I want that so so much at the moment...it looks awesome on you!
So i just started my blog, do you want to swap links!? I linked you on mine :)
weekend was fine. sunday i got back to reality, finland :(
this is all kinds of WOW
WERKing every piece
- une mandarine
today HAS been a fantastic day - maybe all the white and gold light you've been channeling my way? :)
you look so so gorgeous Chauss, it's insane. And I know I've told you before, but that necklace is stunniinnngggg on you.
Does Tina Chow's crystal keep vampires away? LOVE that entire outfit, mainly because you are gorgeous and partially because of the boots, the necklace, the dress, the whole tamale! HOT!
amy, thanks. sure about links.
nita, welcome to third d.
mark, thanks. :)
s, thanks and yes! trust in the universe! i have very, very strong energy. gifted people always tell me...
ihavedog, no...crtystals attract them. bill, are you reading this???
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