hey readers, how is your weekend going? get ready...
true blood is on tonight. can you stand the wait?
xax, are you caught up?
may, are you watching it tonight or still in hawaii?
ihaveadog, i'll be looking for that hand coming out of the ground...
dana, at your request, here are some better pix of my original vintage herve leger dress with my christian louboutin mads. my photographer was not in the mood for a photo shoot, but i got a few shots.
antoine and xax, the dress is actually an espresso brown. i don't know if you can tell its a little brown dresss, not a little black dress, but i guess LBD still applies...
the label on this vintage LBD is herve leger, made in france. (not the new made in hong kong version that also has the herve leger label.) the original material is a tighter weave.
herve sold his name to bcbg and now has a couture atelier in the 6th arrondissment in paris.
herve now designs under the name herve l. leroux.
i would love a new herve leroux bandage dress in black...
herve, are you reading this?
thank you for being such a creative genius with material. i will see you in a few months.
however, you can send me a black bandage dress now. my birthday is next month...
Beautiful dress. You look amazing in it.
I need to do stairs. =D
You are a dream of every normal man!So sexy, so feminine!I love your style, Woman in red soles shoes!
Oh Chauss, you are so purr-fect!
Very sexy, love.
I am sure you would have no shortage of willing photographers should you advertise the position!
oh c!!!!!!!
you look sooo good! the shoes are a+!
You're such a hot sexy mama! Loving the shoes!! <3
It really suits you. I think brown works with your tan perfectly. Brown does not work with my pale skin at all :(
Just watched it. I actually really loved that episode. Sam streaking naked through the forest. That dude is freaky, first rolling around on the dead girls bed now this. I think you're werewolf guess is looking pretty good now. Looking forward to the next one.
c...i made you a pair!
"Body conscious-esque" simplicity, astonishing SEXYness !!!! Pffffffffff . . . What a Body, Chauss, Frankly, What a Body !!!!
A Bientôt, Antoine
can you come wearing that dress to have your hair done today? and the shoes of course.
love those Lou....mmm
You are smoking hot in these photos Chauss!!
By the way, I was shopping at Holts yesterday and I passed by a pair of YSL Tributes and thought of you <3
so so beautiful!!!!!!
true blood is set to blow my mind next week - based on how this Sunday left off.
I watched true blood, even though i'm still on the ban purely because the longer i leave it the harder it is to find.
Question was the last scene for you when that vamp leaped over the bar and grabbed sookie? Just making sure i got it all.
Who is hotter Bill or the blond 'sherif' vampire?
you look soo incredibly chic!
and those louboutins! i am so jealous!
La C
woow caliente¡¡¡¡ kisses
Hey Chauss,
long time, you still look fabulous. I wish I could wear a simple black / brown dress as well as you do, im always drawn to the colorful ones, hot look and i totally covet your loubs. Thanks for the herve tidbit...ok I literally clapped when i read you are a true blood fan because I am ADDICTED to the show. I've never wanted to be bitten so bad, oh and I think I may have a shopping demon in me jk.
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